While our house is being remodeled, I have a makeshift workstation and storage space at the rental house here in Florida. I thought I'd share two of the pictures I took of both areas today. I had just enjoyed viewing pictures and a video of a fellow card-maker on Split Coast Stampers website. Her name is Mary Fish and her blog is http://www.stampinpretty.com/diary-of-the-stampin-pretty-zone.html Mary is also a member of the MOJO Monday design team.
I started thinking about how I am going to organize my workstation after the remodel is complete and we can move in, again. I will have to get pretty creative with storage (which will be closets) as well as at the workstation since I will be sharing it with my dear husband. Not to worry! We will each have our "own side", but limited space. This shared workstation will be on a wall in the family room. It will be just fine and will force both of us to be organized and neat. (Keep repeating this to yourself, Suzie, every day!)
Thanks for sharing the pictures, Suzie! How exciting to be able to plan your new work space. And what a challenge to keep it clean - not an easy task. I sure know that!